Thursday, October 28, 2010

Made in L.A part 2 x3

1. Who does Forever 21 blame for the sweatshops? Why?
They blame the sweatshops because they are not getting payed enough and it's all because of
forever 21 .

2. What’s wrong with Forever 21′s argument?
Forever's 21 argument is wrong because they blame
the contractors for their situation .

3. Why do the workers continue to protest even if it means they might lose their jobs?
Workers continue to protest because they don't care if they lose their jobs they just kniow if they win they
will have a better life and peace with their families !

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Made in L.A part 1 x3

1. How is the life of sweatshop workers in L.A. the same as those in Indonesia? How is it different?

They're life in L.A is different from workers in Idonesia because in L.a parents had to leave their kids in el salvador to live and from the companies making them work so hard they can't even see their kids in el salvador because they hardly have money. Also Did u know the parents haven't seen their children in almost 18 yrs.

2. Why is it that poor immigrants (newcomers) end up working at sweatshops? Why don’t they work as lawyers or doctors or at Mcdonalds?

New comers end up working in sweatshops because they need money and they can't work in fast food places because they don't have their working papers.

3. Predict what’s going to happen by the end of this movie?

What i predict that they are going to win in this protest !

Friday, October 15, 2010

SwooSh Part 3 >

(Letter to Nike)
Dear Nike ;
I am a nike worker and i hate my life !.. I hate When you nike companies
give us so much hours to work and i never get to stay home. My child is
only 3 years old and i never get to see her. Also My life is like a jungle;
i only live on 1.50 A day and i live in a little house with one bathroom and
no shower just a bucket of water for everything. Nike companies are in inspirational
but they got us living like crap. And when people try to make differences to help
us ; nike dosen't let them . I hope they make a difference Soon !!

Sincerely , nike worker sabrina

Thursday, October 7, 2010

SwoosH Part 2 x3

1. How much do Nike workers make in Indonesia each day? How many hours a day do they work?
Nike workers make 1.25 a day ; Anddd they work about 15 hours 6 to 7 days a week !

2. What is life like for Indonesian Nike workers at home?
Idonesian workers live a hard life . They have to share one bathroom with about 5 to 10 other families and they live on 1.25 a day which u can only buy about a bag of peanuts; iced tea; and washing detergent !

3. Why won’t Nike talk to Jim or Leslie or let them visit the shoe factory?
Because a fax was send to all the factories saying if you are approached by Jim And Leslie DO NOT SPEAK TO THEM !

SwoosH Part 1 x3

1. What does it mean to “make a decent living”? What should you be able to afford to buy?
A decent living means ; a normal life and you will be able to buy is : you have a job ; money; clothes; shoes; food and somewhere to live !

2. Where do your sneakers come from? Who makes them?
Sneakers come from different countries from around the world ex. ; idonesia; china; africa . People that live in these countries were the ones who made these sneakers !

3.What is a sweatshop (take a guess, even if you have no idea)?
I think a sweatshop is where you make sneakers at and then u ship to other stores to sell them to us !